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bam / sam格式说明

在SAM输出的结果中每一行都包括十二项通过 Tab分隔(\t) ,缺失值使用’*'或者’0’代替,从左到右分别是:

1 QNAME , 序列的名字 (Read的名字)

2 FLAG , 概括出一个合适的标记,各个数字分别代表:

如果flag值是0,那么说明测序为单端测序且这条read是primary line,一般是该read的最佳比对。这里说一下secondary alignment和supplementary alignment的区别,secondary alignment代表的是该条read比对到多个位置,该条记录为次优比对,在双端测序中,代表hardclip,而supplementary alignment标记为该条比对记录为该read的补充比对记录,关于补充比对记录其实就是嵌合比对,这个常见于三代测序结果中,因为三代测序的reads很长,在比对的时候,遇到大片段的缺失,基因融合或者转座(translocation)时,结果的bam文件中就会出现多条记录,这些记录是相互的补充,有可能只是这条read的一部分,我在二代测序的结果中很容易找到很多的hardclip记录,但是却没有找到supplementary alignment的记录,在三代的比对结果中就比较多了,以下是命令和一个截图:



在三代测序的比对结果中常见2048的supplementary alignment。使用samtools view -f/-F参数可以获取包含/不包含指定flag的内容的条目。

flag的64和128为在(Paired-end sequencing)双端测序中的read1和read2,而flag为16和32则代表双端测序中一条read反向互补,即代表比对到了负链上。

3 RNAME ,参考序列的名字(染色体,contig)

4 POS ,在参考序列上的位置(染色体/contig上的位置)

5 MAPQ , mapping qulity 越高则位点越独特

比对有时并不能完全确定一个短的序列来自参考序列的哪个位置,特别是对那些比较简单的序列。但是会给出一个值来显示这段序列来自某个位点的概率值,这个值就是mapping qulity。Mapping qulity的计算方法是:Q=-10log10p,Q是一个非负值,p是这个序列不来自这个位点的估计值。


6 CIGAR ,代表比对结果的CIGAR字符串,如37M1D2M1I,这段字符的意思是37个匹配,1个参考序列上的删除,2个匹配,1个参考序列上的插入。M代表的是alignment match(可以是错配)


7 RNEXT , mate 序列所在参考序列的名称; 下一个片段比对上的参考序列的编号,没有另外的片段,这里是’*‘,同一个片段,用’=‘;

8 PNEXT , mate 序列在参考序列上的位置;下一个片段比对上的位置,如果不可用,此处为0;

9 TLEN ,估计出的片段的长度,当mate 序列位于本序列上游时该值为负值。Template的长度,最左边得为正,最右边的为负,中间的不用定义正负,不分区段(single-segment)的比对上,或者不可用时,此处为0。另一个解释为:TLEN模板长度,如果reads对在同一条参考序列上,则模板长度为第4列减去第8列加上cigar值中的Match碱基数目。

10 SEQ ,read的序列;序列片段的序列信息,如果不存储此类信息,此处为’*‘,注意CIGAR中M/I/S/=/X对应数字的和要等于序列长度;

11 QUAL ,ASCII码格式的序列质量,格式同FASTQ一样。这个指的是碱基质量值,它的算法如下:

这里p指得是碱基判断错误的概率,英文:base-calling error probabilities ,这里在加33之前的值叫Pred quality score


12 可选的字段(field)


Template: A DNA/RNA sequence part of which is sequenced on a sequencing machine or assembled from

raw sequences.

Segment: A contiguous sequence or subsequence.

Read: A raw sequence that comes off a sequencing machine. A read may consist of multiple segments. For

sequencing data, reads are indexed by the order in which they are sequenced

Linear alignment: An alignment of a read to a single reference sequence that may include insertions,

deletions, skips and clipping, but may not include direction changes (i.e., one portion of the alignment

on forward strand and another portion of alignment on reverse strand). A linear alignment can be

represented in a single SAM record.

Chimeric alignment: An alignment of a read that cannot be represented as a linear alignment. A chimeric

alignment is represented as a set of linear alignments that do not have large overlaps. Typically, one

of the linear alignments in a chimeric alignment is considered the “representative” alignment, and the

others are called “supplementary” and are distinguished by the supplementary alignment flag. All the

SAM records in a chimeric alignment have the same QNAME and the same values for 0x40 and 0x80

flags (see Section 1.4). The decision regarding which linear alignment is representative is arbitrary.

Read alignment: A linear alignment or a chimeric alignment that is the complete representation of the

alignment of the read.

Multiple mapping: The correct placement of a read may be ambiguous, e.g., due to repeats. In this case,

there may be multiple read alignments for the same read. One of these alignments is considered

primary. All the other alignments have the secondary alignment flag set in the SAM records that

represent them. All the SAM records have the same QNAME and the same values for 0x40 and 0x80

flags. Typically the alignment designated primary is the best alignment, but the decision may be


线性比对和嵌合比对:实际上,一条read的比对情况有时候会很复杂,例如一个read可能比对到多个位置,因为基因组非常庞大,存在很多的repeat区域,而二代测序的read一般比较短,在200bp以内,所以这种时候,可能在bam文件就会出现多条记录该read比对情况的记录,它们拥有相同的id,其中的一个较好的比对被认为是典型的比对结果,而其他的都被称为“补充的”比对结果。而且就算比对到同一个位置,还有可能有方向性问题,这是也会有两条记录存在,而没有方向问题,单一的最优比对的read就被叫做线性比对,具体表现在bam文件中将只有一条关于该read的比对记录(注意是read而不是paired reads)。

Phred scale: Given a probability 0 < p ≤ 1, the phred scale of p equals −10 log10 p, rounded to the closest


这个值是在二代测序文件中常常出现的Phred 值,这个值是对p值的一个log变换,可以更加直观的反应p值,Phred值越大,代表p值越小,例如Phred值为10,那么p值则为0.1;Phred为20时,p值为0.01 。

根据samtools的说明,1base的文件主要有 SAM,VCF,GFF,Wiggle文件,而0base的文件主要是BAM,BCF,BED这样的文件。

1-based coordinate system: A coordinate system where the first base of a sequence is one. In this coordinate

system, a region is specified by a closed interval. For example, the region between the 3rd

and the 7th bases inclusive is [3, 7]. The SAM, VCF, GFF and Wiggle formats are using the 1-based

coordinate system.

0-based coordinate system: A coordinate system where the first base of a sequence is zero. In this

coordinate system, a region is specified by a half-closed-half-open interval. For example, the region

between the 3rd and the 7th bases inclusive is [2, 7). The BAM, BCFv2, BED, and PSL formats are

using the 0-based coordinate system.



